Giving Back

Five years ago, the neonatal intensive care unit became my family’s second home. My son spent nearly 200 days in the NICU at The Montreal Children’s Hospital, undergoing life-saving surgeries. I remain profoundly grateful for the doctors, nurses and healthcare professionals who give hope to families like mine.

Since 2020, I have created holiday ornaments to benefit The Montreal Children’s Hospital Foundation. I have also partnered with the hospital’s Child Life department for special holiday activities in the neonatal intensive care unit. I am always grateful for the opportunity to meet other families and calligraph their babies’ names. All our stories are all very different, but the immediate connection between NICU mothers is a profound one.

Custom hand-engraved glass Christmas ornaments

Laser engraved acrylic ornaments, designed during the 2020 lockdown

Custom hand-engraved Christmas ornaments

Hand engraved glass ornaments for NICU babies

Custom hand-engraved Christmas ornaments

Personalized hospital bracelet keepsake box

Foiling notebooks at The Montreal Children’s Hospital NICU for Mother’s Day

Custom Moleskine journals for NICU moms


Engraved Keepsakes